Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Speak Up or Lose Your Rights!

Much has been stated regarding the upcoming presidential cycle and how America will respond to an almost certain increased tax burden. I myself have contemplated what my next steps will be specific to my family and what steps I must take to protect what I have earned from those who would take it from me. Additionally, let’s be clear, it isn’t only the progressive view that we (my family) must give up a greater portion of what we earn to care for those who do not work as hard as we do, are not as well educated as we are, are not as self-reliant as we are, but also the thought that our constitutional rights are up for debate and theft by a potential super-majority of social, elitists that sacrifice our futures by implementing wide ranging entitlement (welfare) programs and then pay for them by taxation that should be considered obscene by any standard. By the way if you think I am overstating my position tell me why. All in, I am not prepared to go back to interest rates of 19-20 percent and inflation through the roof (e.g. Jimmy Carter days). I am also unwilling to give in on freedom of speech (The Fairness Doctrine Bill) or my Second Amendment rights both of which, in my opinion, would be threatened by a democrat super-majority.

Let’s put some questions on the table and debate the answers:
(Please do not sound off with a bunch of hot air or repeat party talking points without some valid proof and preferably a citation)

If you really like the DNC platform or if you have problems with the direction the Democrats will take the country, list what you like or dislike and why?
If you really like the RNC platform or if you have problems with the direction the Republicans will take the country, list what you like or dislike and why?


  1. Please excuse my niavity, I am a work in progress.

    Why do you feel that your Second Amendment rights will be threatened?

  2. The right to keep and bear arms has been under attack for decades by the liberal democrats on the left. If the left has a super-majority with a rubber-stamp sitting in the oval office, it will be only a matter of time before the assault will succeed.

