Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Dissatisfaction Web Site!


We have a new web site. It is new so give us some time to bring it up to speed. Please submit suggestions for the web site to the blog and we will consider them. Remember to keep it clean.



  1. Nice work on the website! Not sure how I feel about my family's participation in your movement though. With young children and a government job, the potential for being "targeted" like the individuals from North Carolina is very real and very scary.

    On the flip side, I would like to think I am not one of those individuals who will sit back and let my rights and those of my children, be taken away from us. Many men and women, like yourself, have fought hard and in many instances died to ensure our freedom and the rights established by our fore fathers.

    ....hmmm...what to do, what to do.....

  2. Interesting article/video by Attorney Berg. He gets no apparent play in the mainstream media, but as we know that isn't necessarily the best barometer

  3. http://media-files.gather.com/images/d554/d661/d744/d224/d96/f3/full.jpg

  4. Hmmm....seems you are ahead of FOX News. Looks like you posted the link to the LA Times Terroritst Dinner Engagement before Fox addressed it!

  5. Just trying to keep interested Americans informed!
