Monday, October 27, 2008

America a Constitutional Republic Built and Supported on Ideals: Defended by Men and Women of Character

How is it that America manages to hold together so many different cultures and classes without major issue? The answer is simple, the “U.S Constitution”, the “Bill of Rights”, and the “Rule of Law”. It isn’t the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, but the belief that there is an idea that is larger than us all. Today, too many weak, pathetic, compromising, progressives cannot begin to know the idea that was tempered at Bunker Hill, tested in the snow at Valley Forge, and sacrificed so many on the battlefield at Guilford County Courthouse, by men who understood and believed in nothing more than free men should be free! When the three pillars of our society have been degraded by progressive values, nothing will stand between America and anarchy. I hope no one is surprised, when it happens.

I recently read an email response to my blog stating how perhaps a new direction is required because times are hard and Republicans have messed everything up to the point that maybe a new path is justified. This email came from someone who obviously is concerned about the welfare of himself and those in his family, but has obviously never had to sacrifice beyond those needs. Fortunately, for me I have served in the U. S. Army and I actually know what hard times look like and to take a path that decays the three critical pillars that our country is built upon for self-preservation is not a new direction, it is a flawed direction. Fundamentally, I believe that those who have never stood in harms way to protect an idea or a belief, are not fully qualified to understand what sacrifice to an idea means. Am I saying that a person having failed to serve their country in the military is not qualified for political office? No, I am not. However, I believe the electorate should look hard and critically at someone who has never had to sacrifice anything except for his own political or financial gain. Some may feel I am being too harsh, if so then I recommend you search your hearts and decide if you have done everything within your power to preserve this great country other than those things that benefit only you. I would ask before you take umbrage at the sacrifice and beliefs of those men and women that have selflessly served their country in harms way believing in an idea, to review your resume and find what you have done to support the foundation of this country. If you find yourself lacking, then do something on November 4th by saying no to the socialist agenda from the left.


  1. McCain is a man of utmost character and strength. I am proud of his sacrifice for this country.

  2. As should we all be. Again let me say, I do not believe for an instance that anyone can compare the sacrifices made by a man like John McCain and the lack of sacrifice made by a man like Barack Obama. My father used to say, "I don't need to see anymore about that man". He would say it if the man was good or bad, strong or weak, and the point was that he had seen enough. I have seen enough of both Brack Obama and John McCain and the decision is clear. McCain is a man of strong beliefs that has alays put this nation's needs ahead of his own. Obama, is a self-absorbed liar with questionable relationships, that wants nothing more than to be president and will do or say anything, to include class warfare to acheive his goal.
