Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Great Blog Entry from the LA Times

Thanks C Lozano for saying it so well.

Isn't it interesting how the MSM loves to focus on how much money each candidate has to spend, instead of on the fact that McCain kept his financing pledge to limit himself to $84 million, while Obama shows the true spending nature of the Democrats! Our national housing crisis and Wall Street bailout rescue plan totals about $700 million, and Obama has easily gotten $600 million to spend on campaign! He and his donors could have helped bail out Wall Street and save people's homes from foreclosure with that kind of money. It's obscene. It also leads questioning minds to wonder just how much has been coming from overseas and from which countries and which individuals. And since when is spending money as fast as you can an admirable trait? Obama is revealing some interesting things about himself and being true to Democrat form. McCain has shown financial responsibility and spending restraint. I tend to believe he'd work to have a Congress that would do the same. His words and his actions are congruent. Pity the same cannot be said for Obama.
And if Obama seriously thought that by getting Colin Powell to publicly endorse him that he'd get an automatic 'thumbs up' vote from Conservatives and Republicans across the board, he was sorely mistaken. I make the distinction between both men. Powell is Powell, and Obama is Obama. The two men are NOT interchangeable. Speaking for myself, it was a nice try, but no cigar, Obama. You can link yourself to as many powerful and wealthy people as possible, but none of that impresses me nor will it 'buy' my vote. It's a sad day indeed when $600 million is the price tag for buying oneself a presidency and an all-access card into the White House.
People can label me whatever they want. If the price for questioning your lack of experience, lack of honor in knocking Alice Palmer off the ballot in 1996, lack of full disclosure to the public about the true nature of your connections to Rezko, Reverend Wright and Ayers, along with the fact that it was old school politics and the Chicago Political Machine which got you where you are today is that I will be labeled a racist, then so be it. I know who and what I am, and what I'm not. Skin color doesn't determine my vote. Experience and some degree of strength of character, along with some degree of honesty about ones past, means more to me than good looks, charisma, verbal eloquence and a good speaking voice. You're a smooth politician through and through, Senator Obama. I firmly believe you will place your own personal ambition before the needs of this country, and you'll talk your way - and spend your way - right into the White House. I'm being proven right day after day.
Welcome to the USSA: The United Socialist States of America. Perhaps if you use your charm, speaking skills and desire to be universally popular, your negotiations with potential terrorists around the world, executed without preconditions, will spare us another September 11th. Please try not to sacrifice too many of our Constitutional rights or Bill of Rights in order to appease our world neighbors.
My personal view is that if the rest of the world doesn't care for how we in America live, our values, our religious and political beliefs - in all their colorful and radiant glory - then tough you-know-what. I don't see any other countries around the world asking us Americans how we'd like them to live, or whom we'd like them to elect. My guess is that they really want YOU because they've got their own special interests and hidden agendas, and you're just the kind of inexperienced yet highly ambitious politician who'll play right into their hands. Since they've probably already contributed mightily to your campaign, your presidency is basically bought and paid for - in more ways than one.
Thank you for your time. Posted by: C.Lozano October 23, 2008 at 09:42 PM

1 comment:

  1. The previous post is an excellent jumping off point to the realities that are Barack Obama. Many in this country have allowed themselves to be duped into the snare of the Manchurian Candidate. He is smooth, polished, and lethal. Especially when combined with a super-majority in the U.S. house and Senate. Most will not call him what he is, a liar. I recommend looking at the challenges by attorney Peter Berg (see previous post regarding Obama's eligibility) that have yet to be answered to find the real Barack Obama. He also lied regarding his campaign finances when he refused to take the honorable route, public financing like McCain did. Now McCain is suffering by being out spent 3 to 1. We will end up with the Manchurian Candidate as president and then God help us all!
