Friday, October 24, 2008

Social Democracy, Socialism, Facism: The Slope Can Become Slippery

Last night an interesting post to the blog was a jpeg file showing Storm Troopers from the Star Wars film marching in formation through a city. The title of the jpeg was “Fascism” and the quote was, “You really think it will be this obvious”. I am sure the Germans would have loved to have known what the end result of Hitler would be before they sold their collective souls to his radical left agenda.

I listen to folks that I work with all the time and many don’t believe that something like Socialism or Fascism could ever happen here in America. I think more should read their history, because it has happened time and time again to many cultures on many continents around the world, and in the end everyone seems surprised. What makes some Americans think that we are not subject to the same fate? These shifts in political process begin small with people agreeing to give up small portions of their individual freedoms (you know for the good of everyone), and once they become accustomed to submitting, the remainder of freedoms can be taken at any time at the discretion of those in charge (again, always for the good of everyone).

Look I would be against an unchecked right wing shift as well as what is about to happen on November fourth so please don’t misunderstand my position. It is paramount to remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We must have checks and balances to prevent the creation of additional entitlement programs that do nothing more than hand out stuff in return for a vote to stay in power. We must put people to work and not continue the failed practices of “The New Deal” and “The Great Society”. Franklin Roosevelt started a program called “Assistance” that was renamed “Welfare”, and is now called “Entitlements”. Take some time to ponder the difference in definitions between assistance and entitlement and you will see where we are headed.

According to “taxfoundation .org” over 40% of Americans have zero or negative tax liability. In many cases, these people are heavily dependent on government programs to survive and will cast a vote for any person that will continue to give them things. The problem is this; we keep giving them the wrong things. We are never going to cure poverty by throwing money at it, that approach has never worked and it never will. Those in our society living off the hard work of others will be weight on the leg of those hard working citizens that do have tax liability and will always support the progressive candidate willing to continue the gravy train. These votes will put in power politicians willing to subvert individual rights to keep themselves in power.


  1. It's scary to realize how quickly we can lose our freedoms. Your second paragraph was quite an eye opener, atleast for me! Thanks for continuing to share your opinions. They are very thought provoking for the rest of us.

  2. Since you are talking about losing our freedoms, lets start with the second amendment. Guns?? We won't have to worry about our right to bear arms once Obama is elected.

  3. Great NRA video! Boy, does this guy pull the sheep skin off the wolf, or should I say the pseudo-wolf skin off the actual sheep! Obama is a coward and a liar. If he wins, he will be a wonderful example of how pathetic our nation has become.
