Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Socialism Isn't American!

Social Democrats are socialists, period. Simply go to the Socialist Party USA and read the party talking points and you will find that they align quite nicely with a large number of current democrats in the US Congress and Senate (not to mention Mr. Obama). To allow individualism to be replaced with socialism is a sad reflection on where we have arrived as a country. Patriotic Americans that stand for individualism need to be heard, so stand up for what you believe in, stop giving out welfare; require everyone to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. Accountability is lost and if we want it back, patriots must again become standard bearers of what made the United States of America great. I recommend reading the US Constitution and the Federalist Papers for insight into our countries original direction as compared to where we head today.

Social Democrats stand on principles written by Marx and Engel. I will take my lead from the framers of the US Constitution, men like George Washington, James Madison Jr., and Alexander Hamilton. Intrestingly enough, all people in America today have the ability to reach their dreams if they are so inclined by being rugged individualists, but many never reach their full potential because they are only familiar with an entitlement society that stunts the growth potential of all who leach off of the breast of the liberal agenda advocated in our federal government. The liberal agenda has no reason to bring people out of poverty, they are much too interested in buying the votes of the unfortunate by offering entitlements to them, entitlements that are not free handouts, but paid for on the backs of tax paying citizens.

So come November 4th prepare to let all Americans know by flying the US Flag upside down that real American Patriots recognize the attack from within that we face and are prepared to continue to protest the direction the socialist democrats in Washington DC are taking all of us. An America where individualism is crushed, social welfare grows, national healthcare ruins our ability to care for our family members and ourselves, and we are weaker militarily around the world.

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