Saturday, October 25, 2008

Patriotism and Nationalism versus Globalization

Now here is an interesting comparison. Webster defines each as:

1. A love for ones country

1. A loyalty or devotion to a nation: A sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary interest on promotion of its culture and interest as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

2. A nationalist movement or government

To make world wide in scope or application especially with respect to economy, free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper labor markets

What is the foundation of globalization and does globalization take America down a path that diminishes the feelings of nationalism? I state for the record that the only true globalization processes afoot in the world today are trade unions. The European Union and NAFTA are great examples of economic globalization, but does either really bring a full feeling of globalization to the countries and nations they include? I would argue they do not, and while I support free trade agreements and am very patriotic, I must also state that the process of globalization is damaging to nationalism.

The liberal elites have consistently made out those Americans, who have nationalist beliefs as uninformed, uneducated, racists that are clutching to their guns and their bibles with antipathy for those who are not like them (if I can steal a phrase from Mr. Obama). Given the state of emerging countries that are only now reaching a state of industrialization and those countries dictated by neo-fascist, religious zealots, I do not believe America is in a position to globalize effectively. I will go farther and state that many of the emerging countries have nationalistic tendencies that would directly conflict with America beyond trade agreements. The reality is many do not hold the same values and beliefs as Americans.

The fact is that history teaches us that the nature of leaders given too much power (like the American Electorate is about to do on November 4th by sweeping in a democratic super-majority) is to become corrupt. Take for an example our current group of leaders both Republicans and Democrats in Washington and the over regulation of the banking industry (the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 under Jimmy Carter expanded dramatically under Bill Clinton) and the deregulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to serve their own political purposes. Are these the people we want running unchecked in Washington D.C. making decisions to meld us into a global nation, crushing any nationalist beliefs Americans might still possess? They cannot handle the U.S melting pot effectively and I would argue that many of them might feel as though they are patriotic, but they do not have a nationalist bone in their collective bodies. One could say they are certainly not qualified to make the world a melting pot!

The point of this is that as Americans it should be normal and accepted to feel a sense of nationalism. It is sad that legal immigrants (sorry those are the only ones I recognize, the others are criminals) show more nationalism for the countries they left than we do for our own country. Going back to a previous point about guns and bibles, if Americans showed nationalistic tendencies we would be branded as racists or radicals. The cap on all of this is that a man like Bill Ayers is given more leeway to show his antipathy for his nation than real Americans are granted to show love and support for the same. So whileat is preferred, Patriotism or Nationalism? I welcome your thoughts.


  1. ----- Original Message -----
    Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 4:16 AM
    Subject: petition for writ of certiorari from Philip Berg - Barack Obama's original Valut birth certificate...

    Dear Sir,

    I just sent the below letter to our Chief Justice Roberts of our Supreme Court of the United States.
    The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a waiver with the Supreme Court regarding the
    petition for writ of certiorari from Philip Berg. The U.S. Department of Justice appears to be attempting to say that it feels that this issue is so "dumb" that it isn't going to waste its time responding unless the Supreme Court specifically requests it.
    I am requesting that you also send our U.S. Supreme Court a letter requesting it to demand
    a full response from the U.S. Dept. of Justice.
    November 14, 2008
    Chief Justice Roberts
    Supreme Court of the United States
    One First Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20543

    Re: Docket Case No. 08-570, Berg v. Obama

    Dear Supreme Court Justice Roberts,

    I am writing you today to ask you to please request Barack Obama to provide
    his original Valut birth certificate and any and all other documents regarding
    his birthplace, and how and when he attained American citizenship status.
    Also I see that Barack Obama currently has Indonesian citizenship because
    he was adopted early in life by an Indonesian. I believe that Mr. Obama has
    never renounce this citizenship therefore he could also atttempt to
    inflict a possible dual citizenship problem on our U.S. Constitution. I fear for this country if Mr. Obama is allowed into the office as President without proving his questioned citizenship status in a court of law. Evidently, that is what it is going to take for him to be forthcoming on this issue.

    Our U.S. Constitution is unequivocal on this issue. I’ve read Article II, Section I,
    several times and see no possibility for any other interpretation, other than what it states. A person must be a natural born American. Mr. Obama is stonewalling on this issue for a reason, and he has defied all reasonable
    attempts thus far to get to the truth.

    I am extremely concerned about Mr. Obama’s refusal to submit irrefutable evidence of the place of his birth and/or if he has ever renounced his American citizenship, because our Constitution is in jeopardy if Obama is proved to
    be a usurper of the Presidency. He would not only do great harm to that office, but he would have trampled across our Constitution to do it.

    Sir, the U.S. Supreme Court is the caboose on this long train. If you do not
    require Obama to prove his eligibility under the supreme law of our land, then we have not only lost our way as a nation, but have no basis for any law and no other recourse of action.

    Also I see that our U.S. Department of Justice has filed a waiver with the Supreme Court regarding the petition for writ of certiorari from Philip Berg. I specifically request that you demand that the U.S. Department of Justice conduct a full investigation into the U.S. government obtaining an original Vault birth
    certificate from Senator Obama.

    Please take reasonable, prudent and courageous action in the Berg v. Obama case and order Mr. Obama to submit to the Court any and all documents required to pronounce him as eligible under the Constitution of the United States to serve as the 44th President.

    Thank you for hearing me out on this. We are resilient people and can deal with a usurper who almost got away with stealing the Presidency (if that is what the evidence shows), but we cannot deal with the
    highest court of our land not defending the U.S. Constitution.



    Every person needs to take a close look at both McCain's and Obama's published birth certificates. A very close inspection of the two documents reveals a drastic difference between them. McCain's document shows
    all the signs of an original and unaltered document. Obama's document has plainly been graphic manipulated around the borders of most of its typed wording thus producing an obvious forgery even to the untrained eye.
    Yet this is the document Obama has submitted to the citizens of the U.S.. McCain's birth certifcate
    Obama's birth certificates: Final chapter - #151 1961 - 010641




    Obama Admits Dual Citizenship
    Dual Citizenship Makes Obama Ineligible Under Article II
    By Judah Benjamin, Guest Author So, at long last, Senator Obama admits that
    he was born with Dual Citizenship:

    “When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Kenya, it was still a British colony and still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack
    Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British
    Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
    Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of
    allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
    Mr. Obama was probably born with Dual Citizenship under the 1948 Act at the outset.
    Even if Obama was born in Hawaii and that it doesn’t affect the final Eligibility for the
    Office of POTUS at all. Article II Requires that one be a “Natural Born Citizen”, and in
    terms of the Law as understood by the Framers, anyone with Dual Citizenship could
    not be “Natural Born”. It does not matter that they no longer hold that Citizenship, they
    fall into the same bracket as a “Naturalized Citizen” because they have/had Divided Allegiance.

    Dunham was from Wichita, Kansas, but her parents moved to Hawaii in search of a
    better life. According to Obama, a distant ancestor was a “full-blooded Cherokee." Dunham’s first marriage was to a Kenyan student, also called Barack Obama, but he left the family to study at Harvard and returned to Africa. She went on to marry Lolo Soetoro, another foreign student,
    and moved to his native Indonesia with six-year-old Barack in 1967, after the new dictator Suharto summoned the country’s citizens home.

    WAS OR IS OBAMA AN INDONESIAN CITIZEN? The Senator isn’t saying, isn’t mentioning it,
    is trying to avoid producing any Paperwork at all. Why? If he is/was an Indonesian Citizen,
    too, the Senator’s entire narrative is a fiction and he should be ashamed of himself.
    It appear fairly clear that he’s lied about Kenya, at least by omission, for months/years,
    so why should I assume he isn’t lying about Indonesia?
    Note Kenyan Citizenship automatically lapses if it isn’t renewed at age 21,
    Indonesian Citizenship doesn’t. If he was an Indonesian Citizen he would have to actively
    repudiate that Citizenship at age 21 or retained it FOR LIFE. Did he? Has he? Because
    if he hasn’t, Senator Obama is Dual National Indonesian at this moment, subject to the
    Laws of BOTH Countries, equally.
    That is true under US Law, Indonesian Law and International Law and until LAST YEAR
    Indonesia DID NOT Recognize Dual Citizenship and the USA did not Recognize that one
    could be a Dual US/Indonesian Citizen. It does not matter that the Senator was not
    Responsible for the change of Citizenship because he was a child when it happened.
    Governor Schwarzenegger was not Responsible for the fact that he was born in Austria,
    or that under Austrian Law he is not a
    US Citizen, or under the US Law and Rules he is not a Citizen of Austria.
    Senator Obama needs to produce his ORIGINAL PAPERWORK, all of it, not just a Certification of Live Birth from the State of Hawaii, but all his other Paperwork too. So, the Senator WAS a Dual National. That is now an admitted fact, admitted by his own
    Campaign and by Annenberg. The Senator is a Constitutional Lawyer which means that
    he knows, and has always known, that he is probably Ineligible to Hold the Office of POTUS, or that, at the very least, there is a strong Legal Argument that that is the case. In turn, that means
    that as he lied about his Kenyan and British Citizenships he is probably lying about his
    Indonesian Citizenship.
    I do not suppose that it was ever his intention to give up his US Citizenship and it does not matter to me one bit. It doesn’t matter to Indonesia either. If Lolo Soetoro adopted him
    he ceased to be a US Citizen in the mid 1960s, BY INDONESIAN LAW. He also ceased
    to be a Kenyan Citizen, BY INDONESIAN LAW. By Kenyan and US Law he retained his
    Original Citizenships, until his 21st Birthday. By Indonesian Law he could have given up
    Indonesian Citizenship at age 18, but did he? If he didn’t he was, albeit accidentally, displaying a Legal Intention to void his US Citizenship, since he knew he could not Legally hold both Citizenships.
    Please don’t tell me that the US doesn’t have to concern itself with the Laws of Indonesia
    because, in this case, the US does have to do so. By the way, under US Law of another
    time the Senator would not have been a US Citizen of any kind, and he knows that.
    If a Naturalized Citizen cannot hold the Office of POTUS because they previously held another Citizenship it is egregious, so far as I am concerned, that a Dual Citizen/Former Dual Citizen should claim to have a Legal Right to do so. I refer the reader to Blackstone. This new material at “Fight the Smears” displays arrogance, hubris and bad faith, in my opinion.
    It is the Senator’s reaction to Phillip Berg’s Law Suit, and, basically, it amounts to an open bad faith admission. He is flaunting his bad faith and in so doing destroys his own case.

  2. Thanks for the post Anonymous. We need to share as much information as possible regarding this issue. Enjoy the site and keep up the great effort in defeating socialism in our country!
