Monday, October 20, 2008

Under Attack!

A country under attack by internal and domestic enemies of the American constitution requires a national sign of dissatisfaction. Starting November 4th, should the worst possible thing occur and the liberal left reaches a super majority with Mr. Obama as their leader, then true patriots should fly the American Flag upside down as a symbol that this great country is in distress!

Patriots (You) cannot sit by and watch liberal socialist behavior and communist policy endanger their way of life without speaking out and calling liberals by the name they so richly deserve, Marxist! Stop letting the left slowly steal your personal freedoms one at a time. The day will come when you will wake up and realize you have let it go too far and you have no freedoms remaining.

November 4th join me in voicing your dissatisfaction with Mr. Obama and his long list of personal and institutional cronies by announcing to all that The United States of America is under attack from internal forces, we are under duress, and there are those among us who will fight to keep it from happening!

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