Monday, October 27, 2008

America a Constitutional Republic Built and Supported on Ideals: Defended by Men and Women of Character

How is it that America manages to hold together so many different cultures and classes without major issue? The answer is simple, the “U.S Constitution”, the “Bill of Rights”, and the “Rule of Law”. It isn’t the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, but the belief that there is an idea that is larger than us all. Today, too many weak, pathetic, compromising, progressives cannot begin to know the idea that was tempered at Bunker Hill, tested in the snow at Valley Forge, and sacrificed so many on the battlefield at Guilford County Courthouse, by men who understood and believed in nothing more than free men should be free! When the three pillars of our society have been degraded by progressive values, nothing will stand between America and anarchy. I hope no one is surprised, when it happens.

I recently read an email response to my blog stating how perhaps a new direction is required because times are hard and Republicans have messed everything up to the point that maybe a new path is justified. This email came from someone who obviously is concerned about the welfare of himself and those in his family, but has obviously never had to sacrifice beyond those needs. Fortunately, for me I have served in the U. S. Army and I actually know what hard times look like and to take a path that decays the three critical pillars that our country is built upon for self-preservation is not a new direction, it is a flawed direction. Fundamentally, I believe that those who have never stood in harms way to protect an idea or a belief, are not fully qualified to understand what sacrifice to an idea means. Am I saying that a person having failed to serve their country in the military is not qualified for political office? No, I am not. However, I believe the electorate should look hard and critically at someone who has never had to sacrifice anything except for his own political or financial gain. Some may feel I am being too harsh, if so then I recommend you search your hearts and decide if you have done everything within your power to preserve this great country other than those things that benefit only you. I would ask before you take umbrage at the sacrifice and beliefs of those men and women that have selflessly served their country in harms way believing in an idea, to review your resume and find what you have done to support the foundation of this country. If you find yourself lacking, then do something on November 4th by saying no to the socialist agenda from the left.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Great Blog Entry from the LA Times

Thanks C Lozano for saying it so well.

Isn't it interesting how the MSM loves to focus on how much money each candidate has to spend, instead of on the fact that McCain kept his financing pledge to limit himself to $84 million, while Obama shows the true spending nature of the Democrats! Our national housing crisis and Wall Street bailout rescue plan totals about $700 million, and Obama has easily gotten $600 million to spend on campaign! He and his donors could have helped bail out Wall Street and save people's homes from foreclosure with that kind of money. It's obscene. It also leads questioning minds to wonder just how much has been coming from overseas and from which countries and which individuals. And since when is spending money as fast as you can an admirable trait? Obama is revealing some interesting things about himself and being true to Democrat form. McCain has shown financial responsibility and spending restraint. I tend to believe he'd work to have a Congress that would do the same. His words and his actions are congruent. Pity the same cannot be said for Obama.
And if Obama seriously thought that by getting Colin Powell to publicly endorse him that he'd get an automatic 'thumbs up' vote from Conservatives and Republicans across the board, he was sorely mistaken. I make the distinction between both men. Powell is Powell, and Obama is Obama. The two men are NOT interchangeable. Speaking for myself, it was a nice try, but no cigar, Obama. You can link yourself to as many powerful and wealthy people as possible, but none of that impresses me nor will it 'buy' my vote. It's a sad day indeed when $600 million is the price tag for buying oneself a presidency and an all-access card into the White House.
People can label me whatever they want. If the price for questioning your lack of experience, lack of honor in knocking Alice Palmer off the ballot in 1996, lack of full disclosure to the public about the true nature of your connections to Rezko, Reverend Wright and Ayers, along with the fact that it was old school politics and the Chicago Political Machine which got you where you are today is that I will be labeled a racist, then so be it. I know who and what I am, and what I'm not. Skin color doesn't determine my vote. Experience and some degree of strength of character, along with some degree of honesty about ones past, means more to me than good looks, charisma, verbal eloquence and a good speaking voice. You're a smooth politician through and through, Senator Obama. I firmly believe you will place your own personal ambition before the needs of this country, and you'll talk your way - and spend your way - right into the White House. I'm being proven right day after day.
Welcome to the USSA: The United Socialist States of America. Perhaps if you use your charm, speaking skills and desire to be universally popular, your negotiations with potential terrorists around the world, executed without preconditions, will spare us another September 11th. Please try not to sacrifice too many of our Constitutional rights or Bill of Rights in order to appease our world neighbors.
My personal view is that if the rest of the world doesn't care for how we in America live, our values, our religious and political beliefs - in all their colorful and radiant glory - then tough you-know-what. I don't see any other countries around the world asking us Americans how we'd like them to live, or whom we'd like them to elect. My guess is that they really want YOU because they've got their own special interests and hidden agendas, and you're just the kind of inexperienced yet highly ambitious politician who'll play right into their hands. Since they've probably already contributed mightily to your campaign, your presidency is basically bought and paid for - in more ways than one.
Thank you for your time. Posted by: C.Lozano October 23, 2008 at 09:42 PM

Patriotism and Nationalism versus Globalization

Now here is an interesting comparison. Webster defines each as:

1. A love for ones country

1. A loyalty or devotion to a nation: A sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary interest on promotion of its culture and interest as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

2. A nationalist movement or government

To make world wide in scope or application especially with respect to economy, free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper labor markets

What is the foundation of globalization and does globalization take America down a path that diminishes the feelings of nationalism? I state for the record that the only true globalization processes afoot in the world today are trade unions. The European Union and NAFTA are great examples of economic globalization, but does either really bring a full feeling of globalization to the countries and nations they include? I would argue they do not, and while I support free trade agreements and am very patriotic, I must also state that the process of globalization is damaging to nationalism.

The liberal elites have consistently made out those Americans, who have nationalist beliefs as uninformed, uneducated, racists that are clutching to their guns and their bibles with antipathy for those who are not like them (if I can steal a phrase from Mr. Obama). Given the state of emerging countries that are only now reaching a state of industrialization and those countries dictated by neo-fascist, religious zealots, I do not believe America is in a position to globalize effectively. I will go farther and state that many of the emerging countries have nationalistic tendencies that would directly conflict with America beyond trade agreements. The reality is many do not hold the same values and beliefs as Americans.

The fact is that history teaches us that the nature of leaders given too much power (like the American Electorate is about to do on November 4th by sweeping in a democratic super-majority) is to become corrupt. Take for an example our current group of leaders both Republicans and Democrats in Washington and the over regulation of the banking industry (the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 under Jimmy Carter expanded dramatically under Bill Clinton) and the deregulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to serve their own political purposes. Are these the people we want running unchecked in Washington D.C. making decisions to meld us into a global nation, crushing any nationalist beliefs Americans might still possess? They cannot handle the U.S melting pot effectively and I would argue that many of them might feel as though they are patriotic, but they do not have a nationalist bone in their collective bodies. One could say they are certainly not qualified to make the world a melting pot!

The point of this is that as Americans it should be normal and accepted to feel a sense of nationalism. It is sad that legal immigrants (sorry those are the only ones I recognize, the others are criminals) show more nationalism for the countries they left than we do for our own country. Going back to a previous point about guns and bibles, if Americans showed nationalistic tendencies we would be branded as racists or radicals. The cap on all of this is that a man like Bill Ayers is given more leeway to show his antipathy for his nation than real Americans are granted to show love and support for the same. So whileat is preferred, Patriotism or Nationalism? I welcome your thoughts.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Social Democracy, Socialism, Facism: The Slope Can Become Slippery

Last night an interesting post to the blog was a jpeg file showing Storm Troopers from the Star Wars film marching in formation through a city. The title of the jpeg was “Fascism” and the quote was, “You really think it will be this obvious”. I am sure the Germans would have loved to have known what the end result of Hitler would be before they sold their collective souls to his radical left agenda.

I listen to folks that I work with all the time and many don’t believe that something like Socialism or Fascism could ever happen here in America. I think more should read their history, because it has happened time and time again to many cultures on many continents around the world, and in the end everyone seems surprised. What makes some Americans think that we are not subject to the same fate? These shifts in political process begin small with people agreeing to give up small portions of their individual freedoms (you know for the good of everyone), and once they become accustomed to submitting, the remainder of freedoms can be taken at any time at the discretion of those in charge (again, always for the good of everyone).

Look I would be against an unchecked right wing shift as well as what is about to happen on November fourth so please don’t misunderstand my position. It is paramount to remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We must have checks and balances to prevent the creation of additional entitlement programs that do nothing more than hand out stuff in return for a vote to stay in power. We must put people to work and not continue the failed practices of “The New Deal” and “The Great Society”. Franklin Roosevelt started a program called “Assistance” that was renamed “Welfare”, and is now called “Entitlements”. Take some time to ponder the difference in definitions between assistance and entitlement and you will see where we are headed.

According to “taxfoundation .org” over 40% of Americans have zero or negative tax liability. In many cases, these people are heavily dependent on government programs to survive and will cast a vote for any person that will continue to give them things. The problem is this; we keep giving them the wrong things. We are never going to cure poverty by throwing money at it, that approach has never worked and it never will. Those in our society living off the hard work of others will be weight on the leg of those hard working citizens that do have tax liability and will always support the progressive candidate willing to continue the gravy train. These votes will put in power politicians willing to subvert individual rights to keep themselves in power.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Obama Eligible to Run?

According to Phillip Berg, an attorney from Pennsylvania, Barack Obama is not eligible to run for the presidency due to the fact that there is evidence that he was born in Kenya, adopted in Indonesia, and not a naturalized U.S. citizen. It is a convoluted issue, but Phillip Berg is taking his fight against Barack Obama to the U.S. Supreme Court. Evidently, the DNC and Mr. Obama have failed to respond to the suit nor have they ever provided a certified copy of a birth certificate that would dispute the allegations. Additionally, Andy Martin, a journalist, writer and investigator, has been in Hawaii for several days and has filed a request with the Hawaii Supreme Court to access Obama’s birth records. Does it seem convenient that Obama must suddenly race off to Hawaii to be with an ailing family member? Please give responses to the following questions and visit Phillip Berg's web site listed below to gather information:

Should we put a hold on this election until Obama proves his citizenship?
If found that Obama is not eligible until after he is elected, what should happen?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Speak Up or Lose Your Rights!

Much has been stated regarding the upcoming presidential cycle and how America will respond to an almost certain increased tax burden. I myself have contemplated what my next steps will be specific to my family and what steps I must take to protect what I have earned from those who would take it from me. Additionally, let’s be clear, it isn’t only the progressive view that we (my family) must give up a greater portion of what we earn to care for those who do not work as hard as we do, are not as well educated as we are, are not as self-reliant as we are, but also the thought that our constitutional rights are up for debate and theft by a potential super-majority of social, elitists that sacrifice our futures by implementing wide ranging entitlement (welfare) programs and then pay for them by taxation that should be considered obscene by any standard. By the way if you think I am overstating my position tell me why. All in, I am not prepared to go back to interest rates of 19-20 percent and inflation through the roof (e.g. Jimmy Carter days). I am also unwilling to give in on freedom of speech (The Fairness Doctrine Bill) or my Second Amendment rights both of which, in my opinion, would be threatened by a democrat super-majority.

Let’s put some questions on the table and debate the answers:
(Please do not sound off with a bunch of hot air or repeat party talking points without some valid proof and preferably a citation)

If you really like the DNC platform or if you have problems with the direction the Democrats will take the country, list what you like or dislike and why?
If you really like the RNC platform or if you have problems with the direction the Republicans will take the country, list what you like or dislike and why?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Dissatisfaction Web Site!


We have a new web site. It is new so give us some time to bring it up to speed. Please submit suggestions for the web site to the blog and we will consider them. Remember to keep it clean.

Socialism Isn't American!

Social Democrats are socialists, period. Simply go to the Socialist Party USA and read the party talking points and you will find that they align quite nicely with a large number of current democrats in the US Congress and Senate (not to mention Mr. Obama). To allow individualism to be replaced with socialism is a sad reflection on where we have arrived as a country. Patriotic Americans that stand for individualism need to be heard, so stand up for what you believe in, stop giving out welfare; require everyone to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. Accountability is lost and if we want it back, patriots must again become standard bearers of what made the United States of America great. I recommend reading the US Constitution and the Federalist Papers for insight into our countries original direction as compared to where we head today.

Social Democrats stand on principles written by Marx and Engel. I will take my lead from the framers of the US Constitution, men like George Washington, James Madison Jr., and Alexander Hamilton. Intrestingly enough, all people in America today have the ability to reach their dreams if they are so inclined by being rugged individualists, but many never reach their full potential because they are only familiar with an entitlement society that stunts the growth potential of all who leach off of the breast of the liberal agenda advocated in our federal government. The liberal agenda has no reason to bring people out of poverty, they are much too interested in buying the votes of the unfortunate by offering entitlements to them, entitlements that are not free handouts, but paid for on the backs of tax paying citizens.

So come November 4th prepare to let all Americans know by flying the US Flag upside down that real American Patriots recognize the attack from within that we face and are prepared to continue to protest the direction the socialist democrats in Washington DC are taking all of us. An America where individualism is crushed, social welfare grows, national healthcare ruins our ability to care for our family members and ourselves, and we are weaker militarily around the world.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Under Attack!

A country under attack by internal and domestic enemies of the American constitution requires a national sign of dissatisfaction. Starting November 4th, should the worst possible thing occur and the liberal left reaches a super majority with Mr. Obama as their leader, then true patriots should fly the American Flag upside down as a symbol that this great country is in distress!

Patriots (You) cannot sit by and watch liberal socialist behavior and communist policy endanger their way of life without speaking out and calling liberals by the name they so richly deserve, Marxist! Stop letting the left slowly steal your personal freedoms one at a time. The day will come when you will wake up and realize you have let it go too far and you have no freedoms remaining.

November 4th join me in voicing your dissatisfaction with Mr. Obama and his long list of personal and institutional cronies by announcing to all that The United States of America is under attack from internal forces, we are under duress, and there are those among us who will fight to keep it from happening!