Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Second Rise of Hitle...Oh Sorry, I Meant The Rise of Obama!

November 8, 2008
It has been four short days since the election and already we are receiving some insight into the next president's agenda. According to (the Obama transition web site), we are all in for some significant change. The type of change that includes a national security force that is as well funded as the U.S. Military (hmmm...does the word Gestapo sound familiar?), federal mandated community service for children from middle school age through college managed by community organization groups like ACORN (hmmm...anyone else in our not so distant past, say the early 1930's have a strong youth organization drive?), and mandatory, automated federal voter registration (states will no longer have this right, evidently). It sounds as if the federal government wants to control security, parenting, and the voting dynamics. What would be next a "Fairness Doctrine" that supports the idea of a "Thought Police"? It might also be suggested that a national security force would negate the need for Americans to keep and bear arms. No, this sounds like socialism bordering something worse, FASCISM! Remeber the mainstream media or national, state-sponsored news services in reality are already slanting the information you hear to support his agenda and the agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Chancellor Obama is going to require close scrutiny by patriots form all over this country. We cannot allow our personal freedoms to be stolen from us. A very intersting observation was made recently by a local radio personality and I am paraphrasing, but basically he said that new technology will allow Chancellor Obama to get his message out starting with the youngest most impressionable minds. That is how the Obama campaign was run and that is how he will continue to weave his way into the fabric of America. The man is an idealog and he is dangerous. Do not allow the same thing that happened in Germany in the thirties to happen here in America simply because we were not payning attention.

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