Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now is The Time for All Good Patriots to come to the Aid of Their Country!

These are old words from a typing class, but more meaningful than ever. Now is certainly not the time for true patriots to abandon the cause! It simply means that we must try to understand what has happened and realign our efforts to fight a new enemy of the state. To effectively battle this new tyranny that starting January 20, 2009 will assault our personal freedoms, we must identify new ways to get our message out to real patriots that have traditional family values, believe in conservative economic principles, and unite them in an effort to spread the message that we are not going to go quietly away and become Western Europeans or worse 1932 Germany.

So what went right for Chancellor Obama? What did the liberals do to change the game? I think Dick Morris a Fox News contributor and former Clinton staffer defined it perfectly when he noted that the democrats registered more voters, stayed on message, and appealed to that part of the electorate more negatively impacted by the current U.S. economy. This group is represented by 18-22 year old students with no life experience, but polluted with the liberal agenda of our higher education institutions and tin-cup urbanites looking to steal more from the hard-working 54% of Americans that have legitimate federal tax liability. That said, who should the conservative party in America (be it republican or possibly called by another name) be courting with a new message? Well first the conservative movement in America needs to very quickly determine what that message is, because our current center-left group of conservative representatives has completely forgotten what their constituencies are in support of. What should be included in the list of conservative platform promises?

· Energy independence now through drilling here in America for oil and natural gas. Also the pursuit of clean-coal technology as well as an aggressive technology surge to deliver every type of alternative energy option available to America.
· A fair tax agenda that taxes equally across the board so that the loopholes in our current tax system can be removed. Continuing the practice of having 50% of the country support everyone else is pathetic and leads to class warfare attacks.
· Make it attractive for businesses to stay in America and create jobs by providing a level playing field with other countries regarding trade and taxes
· Provide a method for creating real healthcare for all Americans that does not have the idiotic federal government in control of the process as it is obvious if you look at the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, the Internal Revenue Service, or any other federal organization, they have no clue what they are doing or how to run an organization efficiently.

Note: So if that is the case why in the world did we chose a liberal change where we are going to give them more of our money to waste!

· Protect the citizens from terrorists and enemies both external and internal to our borders. This means stopping illegal immigration and providing efficient paths for immigrants to pursue citizenship. It also means stopping the voting abuse and fraud of illegal’s in this country.
· Enforce the laws we currently have in place to protect our country from being overrun by illegal’s
· Insure that all Americans understand that our new conservative representatives are going to protect our rights under the fundamentally sound U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Unlike Chancellor Obama real conservatives do not for one moment believe that either of these documents is fundamentally flawed!
· Appoint qualified judges to the federal bench that believe in and will enforce the “Rule of Law”! It should never be alright with our representatives to appoint someone to the bench who operates under the idea that some people are not being treated fairly based on the color of their skin, their age, their economic position, or any other subjective process. The rule of law is the rule of law, it is objective period!
· Stop racial bias, discrimination, and preferences. America was designed to be a meritocracy. Start running this place based on merit and the cream will rise to the top, all others will not and should not be given preferential treatment. Let’s go with Dr. King on this one and judge people by the content of their character not by the color of their skin.
· Protect the life of all babies and children. Do not get bogged down in the liberal need to purchase votes from women by going to the extreme on the abortion debate. Chancellor Obama voted twice for infanticide! For God’s sake how many women support murdering babies? Make it clear where we stand on the principle of infanticide and do not be ashamed of it or subjective in the way you approach the debate. Call it what it is!
· Small Government, say it with me Small Government. The bigger the federal government gets the more of your hard earned money they will take, the more they will infringe upon your rights, the more they will play Peter Pan with the dollars you are saving for your family and the important things your family requires.
· Make it affordable for people to get an education. Education is the only path out of the lower to middle class. I do not mean to make it free, but make it affordable. People should have to work for what they receive, not ride on the backs of others like they do today in what has become an entitlement (tin-cup) American society.
· Use an old Special Forces Qualification Course saying by Colonel Bob Howard who would say, “We won’t do it for you, but we will do it with you”. In other words Mr. and Ms. New Washington Conservative Leadership, how about leading by example, clean up your house and show a little leadership for once if you want Americans to take you seriously.

If a new generation of conservatives can stand up and rally people to their cause based on ideals that promote hard work and self-reliance, then perhaps some of those standing around with their tin-cup out ready to take what they have not earned will see that there is real value in having a job, making their own way, promoting themselves up instead of waiting to be pulled up by the federal government only to slide back down because they have no pride in accomplishment. They will then find that they can make the quantum leap to an America that is merit based and willing to proudly accept them into the family of those who pay for government and out of the family that lives off government! They will not be Republicans or Democrats, they will become Conservatives.

As always feel free to offer dissenting opinion as I am very much agains the Firness Doctrine and very much for the First Amendment.

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